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File NameLast ModifiedFile Size
Aldeby Parish Council Risk Management Policy.pdf13 February 2023328kB
Annual Review of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit.pdf13 February 2023114kB
Annual Review of the Effectiveness of Internal Control.pdf13 February 2023118kB
Co option Policy.pdf12 January 2023138kB
Code of Conduct.pdf12 January 2023209kB
Complaints Procedure Mar 2021.pdf12 January 2023159kB
CR pledge agenda item.pdf12 January 202395kB
Data Protection and Information Management Policy.pdf13 February 2023205kB
Document Retention Disposal Policy.pdf12 January 2023343kB
Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf12 January 2023112kB
Filming at Council meetings.pdf12 January 202397kB
Filming Notice and Announcement.pdf12 January 2023122kB
Financial Regulations.pdf12 January 2023313kB
Financial Risk Assessment.pdf12 January 2023144kB
Freedom of Information Model Publication.pdf13 February 2023228kB
General Power of Competence.pdf12 January 2023196kB
Grant Awarding Policy.pdf12 January 2023140kB
Internal control statement and report.pdf13 February 2023276kB
Lost and Found Policy.pdf12 January 2023173kB
New member co option policy and procedure.pdf12 January 2023243kB
Persistent and Vexatious Complaints Policy March 2021 DR.pdf12 January 2023227kB
Planning Policy for smaller parish councils.pdf12 January 2023150kB
Safeguarding Policy.pdf12 January 2023135kB
Standing Orders.pdf12 January 2023304kB